Michelle Kuzak Distance

Michelle holds the NCFED Master Practitioner Diploma & is a qualified BACP Psychodynamic Counsellor with many years experience working with clients who struggle in the present, in various ways, over past difficulties & relationships. She also uses CBT & Mindfulness to facilitate a balanced & healthy approach to self-identity, body image & food.

Maryanne Steele Distance

Maryanne is an experienced Psychological Therapist  & Eating Disorders specialist. She has long experience as a therapist within a NHS Eating Disorders service & now practices privately. She believes that change takes place when you are carefully heard & understood through a relationship which is central to recovery. She uses Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) & Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to help you make sense of WHY you have an Eating Disorder & through this understanding, gives you the tools & skills to work towards sustained recovery. She works safely within the NICE guidelines from assessment & throughout your treatment across the whole range of Eating Disorders. She will also see you if you are struggling with more complex Eating Disorder issues which  include Diabetes & Eating Disorders, Cross cultural issues, Binge Drinking, Self harming, or she can work with your antenatal team to help you through a pregnancy if you struggle with an Eating Disorder.

Kristina Franks Distance

Kristina has a BSc Honours Degree in Human Biology. After training as a psychotherapist & counsellor, she has practised for many years, specialising in relationship issues. Since obtaining her Advanced Diploma from The National Centre for Eating Disorders, she provides confidential help & support with binge eating, failed dieting, food cravings, bulimia & obesity.

Jan Giles Distance

Jan is an NCFED trained Eating Disorder Counsellor(PGDip/MA), with many years experience specialising in loss & abuse. She uses the NCFED approved way of working which includes CBT & working integratively, both of which have good success rates. She has a Diploma in Counselling, cert CBT skills together with her eating disorder qualification. She is trained in the principles of Beyond Chocolate.

James Lamper Distance

James is a Psychotherapist & Clinical Director, who has specialised in the treatment of eating disorders for over 11 years. He can quickly get to the root issues behind eating presentations, & creates bespoke treatment plans to help promote positive change & recovery. His extensive knowledge of exercise & nutrition, combined with his TA psychotherapy & coaching training, give him a unique blend of skills to help you change your relationship with food, weight, eating & your body

Helen Key Distance

Helen is an experienced counsellor who uses an integrative approach, which has a basis in humanistic/person centred approach with touches of other related therapies such Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Solution Focussed Brief Therapy, Motivational Therapy and Transactional Analysis. Helen can provide nutritional information and education together with counselling for adults & young adults aged 16 years old & above. This holistic approach helps her clients to manage symptoms as well as underlying issues. As well as being an NCfED trained counsellor working with all aspects of eating disorders Helen has worked extensively with alcohol & drug misuse and addiction, compulsive behaviours, anxiety, self-esteem issues & depression.

Heather Bentley Distance

Heather is a qualified Counsellor, Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP Practitioner & Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders & Obesity. She works privately with individuals aged 16 & over presenting with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, obesity & body image issues. Heather works holistically & integratively, offering eating disorder therapy tailored to the unique needs of the individual client. She is supported in her work by a dietician specialist in eating disorders.  


Elizabeth Evangelista Distance

Elizabeth is a qualified counsellor, psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. She is also a recovered sufferer of bulimia. She has extensive experience of working with all types of eating disorders & problem eating, in addition to working with low self esteem, addictions & other issues. She works with her clients to tackle in a practical way the symptoms as well as the underlying causes. She also teaches &
supervises on a counselling course.

Christine El-Fourti Distance

Christine has worked for 30 years in the care profession. Her background includes experience of working in varied areas of mental health, physical disability & bereavement. She is a qualified counsellor with a Master Practiitoner qualification in Eating Disorders & Obesity. She uses a cognitive behavioural approach to eating distress which involves educational & nutritional advice as well as psychological work.

Christina Russell Distance

As well as working with Eating Disorders, Christina has extensive training & experience in working with individuals & couples on a short & long term basis. She is also trained as a Crisis Counsellor & works with employees suffering from stress at work. Her practice is close to the Edinburgh City Centre