Obesity Treatment

Chronic weight problems: Can’t face another diet? upset with your body image?

Is this you?

Emotions & behaviour

  • You feel miserable about your weight and body image, have no willpower to deal with it.
  • Every diet, you name it, you have done it, but you are fatter than ever. You are on or off a diet all the time.
  • You eat sensibly in public, but on your own, at times it goes out of control.
  • You eat a lot in secret.
  • You start dieting on Monday and by the afternoon the biscuit tin is empty again. You don’t know why.
  • Food is a friend and an enemy at the same time:
  • You feel addicted to certain foods, like chocolate.
  • You have mood swings for no reason; you feel depressed, alone and in despair.
  • You do not want to go on another diet. There has to be another way.

maybe you want to try the new weight loss drugs, and need help alongside for long term outcomes

  • Physical consequences

    Obesity and overweight can have serious health effects. The main outcomes include:

    • Tiredness & lack of energy; Cravings; Diabetes or insulin resistance; Problems with your heart and blood pressure; Poor libido
  • Getting help

    It is hard to deal with a chronic weight problem without treatment.  Even if you do lose weight with a liquid diet or another regime, you regain it again if you are eating to manage stress and feelings. Permanent weight loss without hunger and without deprivation is possible with the right support and help.

  • Recovery aims

    Obesity treatment starts with transforming your relationship with food and strengthening your willpower with a holistic care plan. After this, it will be much easier to lose weight and keep it off. Counselling will build your emotional resources, deal with old hurts, work on the “obesity mindset” and teach you new ways of feeling in control. We start with a full assessment to help build the personalised treatment plan that is right for you.

  • Treatment to restore your relationship with food will focus on:
    • Gaining insight into your eating patterns and food cravings; discovering what in your past has contributed to your weight problem.
    • Strengthening your motivation to change. We know that you would worry about being hungry and deprived of your favourite foods. This doesn’t happen.
    • Nutritional guidance; gets you back in touch with your natural appetite, banishes cravings and transforms your wellbeing.
    • Emotional strengthening to manage feelings like stress, and unhappiness without turning to food.
    • Managing constant thoughts and worries about food and weight.
    • Managing lapses so that you keep feeling in control.
    • Self-worth and body image healing.

The next step

NCFED counsellors are certified eating disorder experts; you can trust them to support you with compassion and wisdom in the journey of change. We understand weight problems and irrational cravings, and know how to turn it around in a way that is right for you. Would you like to know more about WHAT can be done for you personally? The first step is to have a no-obligation assessment (only £65) in person, by phone or ZOOM, with someone who cares. The first step starts here.

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