Vathani Navasothy Distance

Vathani is a Person Centred Counsellor with an MSc (Exercise & Health Behaviour), BSc (Physiology), & Diploma (Sports Psychology); offering counselling for all eating disorders & obesity, plus lifestyle coaching for weight loss. She runs therapeutic groups to beat bulimia & support groups for parents/carers. Author of a self-help e-book, she also gives seminars, talks & workshops. Also a certified Reiki & EFT Practitioner.

Tricia Heyland Distance


Tricia is a clinical supervisor &  has many years experience with one to one & group therapy for eating disorders, relationships, co-dependency & addiction problems. She has three recognised diplomas in counselling for eating disorders & addictions as well as psychodrama training. She has an MSc in Addiction Counselling & Psychology & is a qualified hypnotherapist & NLP practitioner. Tricia has completed a year in Somatic Experiencing & undertaking a Mindfulness course.


Shelley Perry Distance

Shelley is an experienced Mental Health Nurse many years experience in the field. She holds a Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders & provides a challenging but positive journey experience towards emotional and physical well-being in a safe, therapeutic environment. She specialises in eating disorders and psychotherapy/therapeutic interventions & manages a specialist eating disorder service providing individualised & person-centered programmes for all types of eating distress. One-to-one sessions are available together with B-eat affiliated self-help support groups, carer advice & information clinics.

Melanie Phelps

A chartered psychologist & qualified nurse of 18 years with a BSc Hons in Psychology, a Diploma in hypnotherapy & MSc Counselling Psychology. Melanie offers professional & friendly help, support, guidance & therapy tailored to suit each person she treats. Telephone, internet & one-to-one sessions available.

Helen Key Distance

Helen is an experienced counsellor who uses an integrative approach, which has a basis in humanistic/person centred approach with touches of other related therapies such Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Solution Focussed Brief Therapy, Motivational Therapy and Transactional Analysis. Helen can provide nutritional information and education together with counselling for adults & young adults aged 16 years old & above. This holistic approach helps her clients to manage symptoms as well as underlying issues. As well as being an NCfED trained counsellor working with all aspects of eating disorders Helen has worked extensively with alcohol & drug misuse and addiction, compulsive behaviours, anxiety, self-esteem issues & depression.

Elizabeth Evangelista Distance

Elizabeth is a qualified counsellor, psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. She is also a recovered sufferer of bulimia. She has extensive experience of working with all types of eating disorders & problem eating, in addition to working with low self esteem, addictions & other issues. She works with her clients to tackle in a practical way the symptoms as well as the underlying causes. She also teaches &
supervises on a counselling course.

Yvonne Green in Bury St Edmunds

Yvonne is a qualified counsellor with extensive experience of working with eating disorders, addiction, depression & low self esteem in adults & teenagers. She has worked with young people & is aware of the intense pressures relating to weight & body image. Yvonne provides a safe setting in which to explore feelings & beliefs about food & eating, looking positively at change.

B Yvonne Green in London

Yvonne is a qualified Counsellor & Eating Therapist with extensive experience of working with eating disorders, obesity, emotional eating & low self esteem in adults and teenagers. She is also a school counsellor & is aware of the intense pressures relating to weight & body image. Yvonne provides a safe setting in which to explore feelings & beliefs about food, working positively towards weight loss & a balanced, healthy attitude to eating.

Victoria Hugh-Jones


As a qualified counsellor, Victoria works both as an addiction recovery programme & in private practice specialising in eating disorders & behaviour. She also runs a weekly group open to those who wish to explore & change their relationship with food.