Bulimia Treatment Workshop

1 Day Workshop

Pathways To Recovery...

Beat Bulimia is a 1 day workshop sponsored by the National Centre For Eating Disorders together with Vathani Navasothy from Bulimia Hope who will present the workshop. It is designed for bulimia treatment, to help beat the turbulence of eating disordered behaviour and provide the tools for deep ongoing recovery and healing.

The Beat Bulimia pathway to recovery is a powerfully transforming experience that will guide you through an awakening inner journey of self-awareness. We tackle the problems of a life clouded by binge eating and purging behaviour, and you will benefit from the learning and support of others in the group. It will allow you to tap into your own hidden strengths and resources to create a successful life, free of bulimia, with new ways of taking care of yourself.

About the training

Your Trainer: Vathani Navasothy

 Workshop  Next Date: To be confirmed 10am-5pm

Venue: Face to face near Hackbridge  (SM6) venue to be confirmed

Price: £197.00

To book on this workshop please contact us at NCFED 01372 439 184



What you will learn

  • Effective strategies to gradually stop vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics
  • Deal effectively with past events that hold you back and move on successfully
  • How to be assertive and communicate effectively to get to what you want
  • New ways to handle stress & anxiety instead of turning to food
  •  Master some strategies to let go of guilt and shame from the past to create a more empowering future
  • How best to deal with self-sabotage and toxic relationships
  • Natural and creative strategies to solve problems
  • To understand how your mind owns bulimia, creates and responds to the past and the future
  • To choose how you feel, instead of being the victim of events and people around you
  • How to motivate yourself when the going gets tough
  • How to set and achieve realistic goals for weight, shape and size
  • Successful techniques of Bulimia treatment from modern and innovative psychological treatments

Who should attend

Anyone who is suffering from Bulimia or who is struggling with their recovery, who wants to live life in a state of self-harmony and personal fulfilment, may join us.


Learn about experiences from the past that have affected your feelings habits and thoughts to identify patterns of behaviour that contribute to your relationship with food. These patterns could also be affecting your relationships with people in your family, at work and among your friends.

Moving forward

We take care to ensure that you will leave with a consolidation of all the new skills and insights that will serve you for the future. When you are released from bulimic thoughts and behaviours you can find a new vision for your life. We intend that this workshop will be the first step forward for a brand new life.

Ongoing support

Includes a free 1-2-1 hour follow-up session with Vathani after  the Bulimia Treatment workshop.