Anorexia Nervosa Treatment & Help

We understand anorexia nervosa, why it is so hard to change, and how it affects your life.

Is this you (or your loved one)?

Emotions & behaviour

You are fearful of eating, especially of food you think is fattening.
Depression and poor confidence.
You feel fat, when you eat, and no matter how thin you are.
Maybe you think there’s no problem – you are OK matter how much weight you have lost.
The more you lose, the better.
There’s a Voice, telling you to  keep going, telling you off if you ignore it.
Normal life is going, you are spending more time along, obeying the need to exercise, think and worry about food.

  • Physical consequences

    Starving affects every part of the body. The main effects include: brittle bones, infertility (which can be reversed with successful treatment), insomnia, depression and anxiety. The right kind of help can help to heal.

  • Stages of anorexia

    Anorexia is not a simple condition. There are various stages and a person may stay trapped in one stage or move between stages.

    • Weight loss which is alarming for parents & loved ones.
    • Low weight which may continue for years. There may be bulimic behaviours like bingeing and purging.
    • Recovery, with a mighty struggle to overcome the anorexia, gain a normal weight, eat a normal diet and cope with all life’s stresses and demands.
  • Anorexia Nervosa Help

    Anorexia can be life-threatening, if left unattended, it can spiral into long term mental and physical problems. Recovery is possible with the right support and treatment. If you would like more up-to-date info on anorexia treatment please click here to our Anorexia Nervosa Help page

  • Recovery aims

    Anorexia treatment is forward-looking and not just about food and weight. Recovery is about building a new relationship with food of course, and is also about emotional strengthening, raising self-worth and finding better ways of feeling in control. A good, trustful relationship is perhaps the most important part of recovery and our therapists are trained to understand anorexia and what it means. We start with a full assessment, to help build a personalised treatment plan that can call upon other experts such as a dietician or G.P. and sometimes the carers.

  • Anorexia treatment takes time and will focus on:
    • Gaining insight into anorexia, plus building motivation and commitment to change.
    • Nutritional guidance, firstly to deal with any emergencies, then to assist with weight change in a gentle and collaborative way.
    • Coping well with life and people; managing fear, panic, stress and unhappiness.
    • Managing perfectionism and anorexic thoughts.
    • Self-worth and body image healing.

    Please see our full explanation about anorexia treatment here

The next step

NCFED counsellors are certified eating disorder experts. You can trust them to support you with wisdom in your journey. Would you like to know HOW you developed your eating problem and WHAT can be done? The first step is to have a no-obligation assessment (only £65) in person, by phone, or ZOOM with someone who cares. The first step starts here.

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