01. Contact Details
02. Age last birthday
03. Relationship status (Select Relevant)
04. Any children? (List their ages)
5. Occupation / Job / Career?
06. Job Satisfaction
07. Living Circumstances
08. Education
09. Financial position
10. Active hobbies & interests?
11. Regular exercise to keep healthy?
12. How Would You Describe Your Relationships?
13. How would you describe yourself?
14. Do you have strong religious or spiritual beliefs?
15. Do you have a purpose or mission in life?
Weight and Body Image
16. Your height (ft/in or metres)
17. Current weight (Kg / lbs)
18. What was your maximum weight?
19. What was your minimum adult weight?
20. What weight or size would you like to be?
21. Describe your current weight
22. Your Family’s Weight Details
23. More information on weight & dieting behaviour in
your family?
24. Do you feel under pressure to control your weight because
of your job or any other reason?
26. If you are over or under weight, why do you think this is so?
Body Image
27. What words would you use to describe your body shape?
28. How you feel about aspects of your body?
29. Have you ever been teased, bullied or rebuked about your body?
30. Have you considered cosmetic surgery?
31. Do you do any of the following?
Weight History
32. At what age were you first concerned about your weight?
33. Are you currently trying to lose weight?
34. How has your weight changed?
35. How many times have you lost & gained weight since your teens?
36. Most weight you have ever lost?
38. How old were you when you first started dieting?
39. What or who prompted you?
40. How often do you begin a new diet?
41. Are you dieting at present?
42. What other activities are you doing to assist weight control?
43. Can you normally maintain a diet?
44. What methods have you used to control your weight in the past?
45. Which dieting method(s) did you find most successful?
46. Did you feel capable of eating sensibly when not on a diet?
Eating Patterns
47. Which of these statements feel typical of you at this point in time?
49. When do you find it hard to control your eating?
51. Do you eat more before your period?
52. How many bad eating days in the last month?
53. What do you eat on a bad day?
54. What do you eat on a good day?
55. If you eat something you feel you shouldn’t, are you able to stop?
57. What sorts of feelings do you have?
58. Where Do You Eat Your Meals?
59. Who is responsible for preparing the food you eat?
60. Are you able to control your eating when you are not on a diet?
61. Do you often eat out or take-away?
62. Is there any food you cannot/will not eat?
63. What is your state of health in general?
65. Have you had any serious mental problem in the past?
66. Have you ever?
68. Do you often worry about your health?
69. Do you often visit your family doctor?
70. Are you able to take positive action to boost your health?
71. Do You?
72. Personal Style
73. Quality Of Life
73. Quality Of Life